
So, I caught a couple recent episodes of The Simpsons. It's really become unwatchable, hasn't it?


  1. Elena said...
    Okay, your posts are always short and to the point — but this is pretty short.

    I'll bite.

    Why is The Simpsons so unwatchable?

    And are you sure it isn't that you've outgrown the show?
    Jen Star said...
    I don't think it's just me. Scrubs, 30 Rock and Arrested Development are all very Simpsons-esque in their humour and I love all three shows to death.
    alanm said...
    I agree with you. They are pushing the characters a bit too far these days. It's all gone a bit pants really, which doesn't bode well for the upcoming movie.
    Jen Star said...
    I know! I was walking to someone the other day about that, and they were all, "Yeah, but the movie will be great," and I was all, "Why would you say that? If the show sucks, shouldn't the movie suck as well? It's not like they're saving all the good jokes for the movie." Or are they? . . .
    alanm said...
    If they wanted to make a movie why did they wait until the show was well passed it's prime to do so?

    What's the word?

    G said...
    I finally watched my tape of the last Arrested Development episodes and.... I found I'd run out of tape! ARGH!!!! It had been so long since I'd watched the show - soooo funny!!!!
    Jen Star said...

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