Elena says: What do you think of the VM gossip?

Jen Star says: I don't know anymore. I'm kinda ready to let it go.

Elena says: I haven't liked this season. It's a relief when it's not on. The dialogue is so good though. I have trouble letting go, I always worry it'll get good after I stop watching.

Jen Star says: I wouldn't stop watching, but it's never a good sign if the creator doesn't have it in him to have a solid five-year arc for a series. Scrambling is never a good sign, and they've been scrambling since the end of season one.

Elena says: New writers perhaps? Maybe supporters like Joss and Stephen King should try their hand! That'd be interesting.

I really don't understand the "best show on TV" tag anymore. Wishful thinking?

Jen Star says: Or not knowing when you're beaten. Arrested Development could have gone on on Showtime (and, not to spoil it or anything, but Deadwood is only three seasons, with the creator bowing out), but the creator said, "I think we're done now." And I'd much rather get two-and-a-half seasons of an amazing show, than to get five of a mediocre one.

Jen Star says: VM should have realized after two seasons that the best way to keep the story moving was to kill someone close to her, and give her some baggage to work thru. Sassy teen detective only goes so far. Joss saw it with Buffy; I really don't know why Rob Thomas couldn't see it with VM.

Elena says: Of course there's a difference between reaching a natural end and just running out of steam... VM has more in it to tell, they just can't figure out what that is and how to do it. The college years are always the death of shows. (I did know that about Deadwood.)

I feel this way about Lost. They want to stretch it for seven seasons and it doesn't have it in it. I blame pressure from the networks.

Jen Star says: It's the public, tho, to a major degree. They want new episodes, and with a story like that, you can't do 24 episodes a season and still give things away. You'd run out of things to talk about one-third of the way in! That's why I love Heroes. They just pile it on! They don't even care if it makes sense!

Elena says: You're right. The gen pop has the attention span of a moron.

Heroes is so damn great.

Jen Star says: It really is.

Jen Star says: Hey! Maybe you can start watching BSG, then start watching Deadwood, and when you're done, you'll be ready for Firefly!

Elena says: Stranger things have happened... I wouldn't hold my breath tho!


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