Finally, some chicklit with structure

So I've been on vacation for two days now (officially; with stat holidays I've been off since Tuesday), and instead of getting back to my blog with a vengeance, I've gone the opposite way and spurned technology altogether. Though it's not for lack of inspiration, or from no desire. In fact, for the past three weeks or so, my hands and arms have been tingling. Never a god sign when work is slowly crippling you.

My neighbour C and I went to see The Devil Wears Prada on Friday night. She's a big fan of the popular chicklits, like the Shopaholic series and books like that; ones that I avoid like they are on fire. (I'll read the genre, but only stuff that other people don't. Even in chicklit, I'm a snob.) So when C and I saw a five-minute preview for Prada when we were at The Break Up, I was intrigued and she was excited. She lent me the book immediately after, but I was too busy reading MaryJanice Davidson's latest Undead books (one of which can only be described as werewolf porn. Though, to be fair, her porn is much, much less vulgar than Laurell K. Hamilton's), so I didn't get around to it before we saw the movie.

The flick was great. I really like Anne Hathaway (especially that she's a dark-eyed brunette. I spent more than half the movie checking out what colour eye shadow she was wearing so that I could emulate the look), and Meryl Streep was wonderful. The story held together, and then ending, though very chicklit in nature, was satisfying. (C pointed out that Anne isn’t in for much of a career if she gets a makeover in every movie she’s in.)

I started the book (compare and contrast, class) on Saturday morning and finished it last night. It was better than the movie. The ending was much more satisfying, and the out-of-character things Andy did in the movie weren't even in the book. I was pretty surprised to discover that some of the popular books have more going for them than "girl meets boy, girl loses boy, girl gets boy back." This one had "girl meets boy, girl treats boy like shit even though it's not her fault and really what could she do differently, girl and boy try to stay friends." Neat.

Wow, one blog entry done and my rambling is more pronounced than ever. I blame it on my numb arms and fingers.

P.S. How thrilled was I to hear Bitter:Sweet in the flick? I've been rocking to them on my Pandora stations since I heard them on Morning Becomes Eclectic three months ago. Good on them!


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