Obsessions on a finale

Well, it's that time of year again when Elena and I start speculating about whodunnit on Veronica Mars. Or, since I've already made my brash prediction that Aaron did it (again), time for us to talk ourselves into a theory that will ultmately be wrong, wrong, wrong.

Let's observe:

Elena says: I loved VM this week.

Jen Star says: Me too! I love Logan, even if Dohring is a Scientologist.

Jen Star says: I have a new theory: They say that Keith won't be in time to save Veronica from whoever is trying to get her (he’s stuck duking it out with Woody perhaps?), and that someone else does the rescuing. I think it will be Logan, who will use that gun the Casablancas gave him to SHOOT AND KILL HIS FATHER!

Jen Star says: It was soooo Aaron.

Elena says: Oooh. How very poetic! I don't remember the gun tho. . . . When did that happen?

Jen Star says: They went to the shooting range in ep 2 and Logan was all "I don't know how to shoot," and then when Big Dick wasn't looking, he absently aimed and hit the target dead-on. Then, when V was getting attacked at the River Styx, he threatened the Fitzpatricks with it.

Elena says: Oh yes. I so haven't been paying attention this season. And I didn't save the eps so I can't rewatch. Drat.

Jen Star says: I just can't imagine a reason it would be anyone but Aaron. Even if it is him, it would be such a twist and so satisfying!

Elena says: You're right, why bother with him this season when you can't have the Kanes involved. So he must be involved or else it's kind of a dead storyline. Lilly is an old issue.

Jen Star says: I think I'm really on to something. Of course, I thought I was on to something with Mama Mars, too.

Jen Star says: But this time I like to think I'm wiser to their tricks.

Elena says: I agree. I'm pretty sure you have it. I saw the Duncan angle last year, but I didn't see this coming.

Jen Star says: Yayyyyy!

Elena says: Yah, yah. All hail Jen Star! Hee. I wonder if in reruns I won't hate this season as much, perhaps I was overly harsh. . . .

Jen Star says: Those Duncan/baby episodes were a tough go.

Elena says: Yah. They were all for nothing. Really, what about the kid sister in the closet what the hell happened there?

Jen Star says: It's all coming back into play with the Lucky-being-bailed-out-by-the-Mannings thing.

Elena says: Oh really? Well that's good. I'll still miss Duncan he could have been a good character.

Jen Star says: You never liked Duncan! You just miss Jake.

Elena says: Actually I did like Duncan. Remember you were Logan and I was Duncan last season! I do miss Jake though! But I thought Duncan's blackouts were interesting. They could have recast Jake.

Jen Star says: They could have left V and D apart and not made him The Boyfriend, too. They could have done a lot of things. But they wanted him GONE, so this is what we got.

Elena says: Yah. Still it's too bad. Why did they want him gone? Celeste was a great character too. Money?

Jen Star says: I really don't know. They say they painted the character into a corner, but I think it might have been money, plus the Kane mystery was over so why have him there? Gia, Jackie, Kendall and Woody won't likely be around for season three (if there is one), for the same reason.


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