One-third of a man is enough for me

I promised Elena that I would write about Big Love. Not because she's waiting with baited breath to see what I think, but just because she was bored at work and wanted something new to read in the morning. So, here goes:

I've been watching Big Love for the last two weeks, and I have to say that I'm really enjoying it. I've seen a few A&E programs about plural marriage so I wasn't starting with no knowledge of the lifestyle. For example, I knew that John Smith, the founder of the Church of Latter-Day Saints, endorsed plural marriage, and that the church forbade the practice to gain access into the Union in 1896. I also knew that polygamists believe that having three wives is the path to heaven.

So there was no learning curve for this show. I understood why Bill had three wives, and why the wives would agree to the arrangement. I don't quite understand how they could all be so attractive, since polygamists normally look like this. But hey, it's TV.

I never thought that I'd like Chloe Sevigny, but I really do. I love that she's dressed and styled like a child of the commune, all long dresses and braids. And I loooove Ginnifer Goodwin, even though the spelling of her name mocks me. (Look at her! She's fucking stunning!) And, of course, there's the Veronica Mars three: Lilly (Amanda Seyfried), Mac (Tina Majorino) and The Beave (Kyle Gallner).

While this is no Rome, it's certainly on par with Six Feet Under (though I bailed on that show after season 2, so perhaps that's not the best comparison. The Sopranos? Season 3). When each episode ends, I feel like there's so much more story to tell, and that I'd be quite happy to watch an hour or two more. I guess that's the most I can ask for in a TV show.


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