Takin' it sleazy

There's something special about a Sunday afternoon spent lying on the couch under a blanket. I'm up against a monster deadline at work, so I've spent nearly every waking hour for the last week in front of my computer. Because of this, I've been listening to a lot of music. TV doesn't lend itself to computer work, unless it's old episodes of The Simpsons or hoour-long episodes of House Doctor, Designs for Living, season two of The Block or Flip This House. Too much time is spent watching the TV and not enough work gets done.

I spent time with my Music Club mates last night, and we got to talking about—what else?—music. My tastes have changed so much since last year. Where last year at this time I was listening to Rasputina and the Distillers and angry girls with lots of instrumentation, this year it's all about folk music. Brendan Benson is still #1 on my playlist these days, and Sufjan Stevens is making a comeback as well. Sh at work has The Magic Numbers' album and I'm really digging on it too.

Wow, this entry has even less of a point than I thought it would. Awesome!

I'm watching: I Capture the Castle. Goddamn, I dig that movie. I love me some Romola Garai.
I'm listening to: Lamb, Between Darkness and Wonder. Something about I Capture the Castle always reminds me of the song Angelica from this album. So proper for a November evening spent stuck sitting in front of a computer.
I'm reading: Shockingly (not really), nothing. I couldn't get into Jonathan Strange, so that's been scrapped. Maybe it's time to try some more Reay Tannahill. I love stories about everyday families that involve sweeping and complicated situations. And, also, sex.


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