One-sentence reviews of the fall season

So I know that I've been a bad blogger, but life seems to have taken hold of me once again and left me no time for this blog. I blame it on the fact that it's Oct. 21 today and 24 freaking degrees outside! Who can blog when it's been Indian Summer for two whole months? (The answer to that is "not me, apparently.")

I watched the entire first season of Friday Night Lights in time to watch the premiere of season two, and god was it worth it. It's my new BSG and Deadwood, in that it's a genre that I'm not normally attracted to but the writing and acting manages to gut-punch me each and every week. So, in keeping with the topic name, here's my one-sentence review of FNL, followed by a short review of the other new shows I'm watching this season:

Friday Night Lights: I know I'm probably alone in this, but I don't hate the new season or the Big Bad Twist.

Reaper: It took me three separate watchings to get through the first ep so I gave up.

The Tudors: Surprisingly accurate, at least as far as Henry's love life goes.

Journeyman: I've been meaning to get to this!

Bionic Woman: First ep dropped off the Replay so I deleted the rest.

Pushing Daisies: So freaking fab, fantastic and pretty that I want to laugh and cry and eat pie all day.

Samantha Who?: I will watch anything featuring Christina Applegate, but even without her I might have watched this supercute show.

Did I miss anything?


  1. Elena said...
    It's about bloody time!
    G said...
    I watched part one of Bionic Woman tonight. Great production values but not sure I'll watch more. Okay, I'll watch part two and see if it grabs me.

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