"I don't kid about quiche."

Oh my God, I am so in love with Chuck that I don't know that I can talk about it coherently.

I haven't watched a lot of the new shows (only Reaper, Gossip Girl and, well, that's it really), but this one is rocking my world. So what if the bomb in the first episode would never have been connected to the Internet in a million, billion years? And what are the odds that anyone could fly a chopper by imaging it's a computer game?

But who cares about that when the show is so damned funny? From the Geek Squad to Captain Awesome ("Indeed!") to the ridiculously accessorized fight scenes, the series is hitting my comedy sweet spot.

Also, why did nobody tell me Adam Baldwin was on this show? I love Adam Baldwin! Like, love-love him! A Firefly-loving colleague once told me that he's a rampant gun-loving Republican and even that isn't enough to make me stop loving him! I would watch him react to paint drying, I would. Love, love, love, love, love. (Jana, that started out as just gushing and after the third "love" I just decided to go for it!)

I love this show, I really, really do.



  1. Elena said...
    I wait forever for you to blog about new shows and I get Chuck?

    You better be up late writing about Pushing Daisies!

    And to think you worked from home all day too. For shame!
    Jen Star said...
    I didn't get a chance to watch Pushing Daisies yet. C said she was coming over after work to watch it with me, and when she finally called at 9:30, she'd already watched it!

    Did I mention Adam Baldwin is in Chuck? Adam freaking Baldwin! Hottest of all the Baldwin Brothers!

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