
A bit of a chill filtered down from the north today as we enjoyed a taste of the eight-month horror we know as fall-winter-spring. It's under 20 at the peak of the day (gasp!) for the first time since probably May and is cloudy with scattered misty showers, and it's really harshing my buzz, man. Of course, this could be from the letter I got from the government this afternoon asking me to submit evidence of the transit passes I claimed on my last tax return, or even just the fact that I'm spending the day tomorrow saying goodbye to my boss, who passed away last week. What does one wear to a funeral in the summer?

I've been busy since I got home from B.C. getting reacquainted with my old friend Adam Carolla. I stopped listening to him on a regular basis when he got his own show, so this has been a welcome reunion. That said, it's given me next to no time for reading or even listening to music. Which also makes me sad, because I like to read books and listen to music. But Adam's crazy funny, so what's a girl to do?

My brain hurts.

I need to eat.


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