Modern man

One of the the things about going out for drinks with friends you've known for years is sometimes the conversations veer into unexpected areas. I never thought I'd have to try to explain my theory of life, the universe and everything on three pints of cider, but I did. It wasn't very successful. Greg Graffin can explain better than me, so here goes:

Random blobs of power expressed as that which we all disregard.
Ordered states of nature on a scale which no one things about.

Don't speak to me of anarchy or peace or calm revolt, man.
We're in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann.

It's entropy, it's not a human issue,
Entropy, it's matter of course,
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you cannot divorce.
And your pathetic moans of suffrage tend to lose all significance.

Extinction, degradation: the natural outcome of our ordered lives.
Power, motivation: temporary fixtures for which we strive.

Something in our synapses assures us were OK,
But in our disequilibrium we simply cannot stay.

It's entropy, it's not a human issue,
Entropy, it's matter of course,
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you cannot divorce.

A stolid proposition from a man unkempt as I.
My affectatious nature I cannot rectify.
But we are out of equilibrium unnaturally,
A pang of consciousness at death and then you will agree.

It's entropy . . .
Entropy, its matter of course,
Entropy, energy at all levels,
Entropy, from it you cannot divorce.

Sadly, this theory was expressed to defend my belief in astrology.

(Entropy is from one of my top 5 albums of all time, Against the Grain (1990), which I am listening to for the first time in months. Aah Greg, I've missed you. . . .)


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