Isn't weird how chairs exist even when you're not sitting on them?
Published by Jen Star on July 09, 2007 at 7:57 p.m.(I wrote this on the train, which seems to be my habit lately. I've got a book in my bag but it's way too historical fiction-y for me to read while I'm listening to my dozens of new albums. Alas, alack.
There is a woman in her mid-20s sitting near me that has tweezed her eyebrows completely away on the outside of her face and then pencilled them in to resemble Vulcan brows. And they are at least as thick as Nimoy's, which is just plain strange.)
So I went to see Knocked Up over the holiday weekend. It was freaking awesome! I laughed and giggled and snickered my way through the entire movie. I think it was the first time my neighbour C has accompanied me to that kind of movie, as I usually take my lower-brow friends to the movies that have a 2:1 "fuck" to any other word in the English language ratio. But she seemed to enjoy it, so now she'll have to come with me to Superbad.
It turns out that a bunch of my colleagues saw it over the weekend too, so that meant that we were able to put the office-favourite "that's what she said" on hold for a day or two to recite quotes to one another.
(Okay, Honest Again from the Aliens just came on my iPod and I'm totally digging it! How Boston of them!)
On Friday C and I went to see Ocean's Thirteen. I never expect to like the Ocean's movies, and every time a new one comes out and I see it and like it. I didn't remember any of the charactersI know Vincent Cassel from his role as the duc d'Anjou in Elizabeth, not from this franchise, tho he was apparently in the last movie. Eddie Izzard was in the last one too? Huh. Who knew?but enjoy the movie, mostly because I can see that the actors are enjoying themselves so much.
(Okay, now Peter, Bjorn and John's The Chills is playing. Great stuff.)
That said, I think it was the preview for The Bourne Ultimatum that excited me the most. And Ellen Barkin should a) kill the plastic surgeon that made her boob job so noticeable, and b) kill the dressmaker that allowed the top of her fake boobs to be so noticeable in the seduction scene. It killed the romance faster than Linus's fake nose.