Great Scot!

So I’m back from Scotland and trying to get back into the swing of things at work after three weeks away. My trip was a tonne of fun, as the 1,652 photos I took can attest. I’m still trying to sort through to find my favourites, or at least the best that represent my trip, since as my mother so nicely pointed out, most are “arty shots.” Once I have, however, they will be up on my photo blog, Playing With My Rebel.

Here are five things I learned about British TV while I was away:

1. There are some sick, sick shows on Channel 4. Embarrassing Illnesses alone is enough to make any North American faint and gag at the same time.

2. BBC Two Scotland is one boring channel. Unless you’re into watching birds mate and nest. Then it’s fascinating.

3. Big Brother U.K. is as addictive as crack. I can’t get enough and check Channel 4’s website several times a day to see if the housemates have quit on their latest challenge (they have), and to see if Chanelle and Ziggy are still together (they are).

4. I have no idea who Angus Deayton, Lee Mack or David Mitchell are, but Would I Lie To You? made me laugh so hard I nearly woke up the people in the next room. (Here’s the episode I watched: Part One / Part Two / Part Three)

5. I really want someone on this side of the pond to pick up Time of Your Life (shame on ITV1 that there was no information on their website. Christ, what a disaster site that was to wade through). I saw the pilot and I love it.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    David Mitchell was on a very funny (though I think shortlived) BBC series called Peep Show...

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